For a couple of years, we called our disciple-making groups CORE groups. Robby Gallaty and Replicate ministries call theirs D-Groups. Everyone has their own nomenclature and reasons for it, but most of these groups share some things in common: small, same-gender, weekly groups whose purpose is to help their members grow into the image of Christ. We formed a disciple-making strategy team, worked through and prayed through a great deal of material, and finally came down to "What are we going to call these groups?" There were many suggestions, but I can't remember one except DLT. I remember one team member who said, "Well, let's call them doing life together groups. That's what disciple-making is. That's what it takes." That's how we got there. DLT groups are small groups of 3-5 people of the same gender who want to grow into the image of Christ together. They meet weekly, read and interact over scripture together, pray together, hold one another ac...